Member-only story
When I read the first edition of John Maxwell’s 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership back in the late 1990’s, I was impressed by the fact that it was an easy read, and chock full of lessons on every page. Now that we in the Nonprofit Utopia community are “reading” the 10th Edition of the book through audio, I am amazed at how the book is touching my heart — so much so, that after just 2 chapters, I have been moved to do some serious introspection, prayer and soul searching–with an intent to do better. When I look for the words to explain why the book has caused a visceral response this time, as opposed to a cerebral response in 1998, all I can say is, “Life happens.”
When I reviewed the first law, the Law of the Lid this time around, I was reminded that organizations can go no farther than the leader’s own leadership potential. I thought of some of my own experiences in leadership positions. In some cases, I was able to take organizations to the next level, only to see them decline when I left. In other cases, organizations have sustained momentum and have gone even further, even though I have been gone nearly 20 years. It’s flattering for me to see that I, as one person, could make a difference in an organization, and my absence was painfully obvious when I left. However, over the years, I have learned that my greatest impact as a leader occurs when I am able to lay a foundation so strong that others who come after me are able to build upon it, and take the…